Headlines: Welcome - Normal State in U.S. of A - Land of the FREE!

Police kill handicapped double-amputee
Cop Punches & Beats Down Man In Wheelchair
Police Shoot Man Over 40 Times (Video)

NOTE: I'm NOT extrapolating that all COPS are BAD!

Another case of police brutality: in Houston police shot and killed a man that was mentally ill and missing an arm and leg. The officers arrived at Brian Claunch's special care home early Saturday morning after getting a phone call that he was threatening his caretaker. RT's Liz Wahl has the details.

Police kill handicapped double-amputee 

wow. democracy USA style! thank you.. come liberate syria now...
From: 12imams

holy shit he actually knocked him out, that is just wrong. 
From: cujo9

And lastly... Police Shoot Man Over 40 Times (Video)

"Three days before Independence Day, Milton Hall died in a fusillade of police gunfire outside a strip mall. He had been arguing with officers in a parking lot next to a shuttered Chinese restaurant when he was shot, in full view of passing motorists and while he was holding some sort of knife. Saginaw County Prosecutor Michael Thomas said later that the squad of police confronting him opened fire "because apparently, at this point in time, he was threatening to assault police."

Police Shoot Man Over 40 Times (Video) 

Nobody owns your MIND but YOU!

As always, Openness then Reservation Always! Be Inquisitive Always!

Which ones will occur first? HUGE Thunder False Flag, Martial Law, Financial Armageddon or Nuclear Armageddon? #PRS #WW3 #BarittObamney

Tomorrow is the End of Today! #MastersVsSlaves

Peace, Truth & Freedom #TPD

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