OK, 3rd World America. How Boomerang Works? #TwinPartyDictatorship  
Just follow the REAL Independent News, then you won’t be surprised when Fear Factor goes on attack mode along with Lies Feeding Frenzy of Corporate Mainstream Media.

Did I hear BINGO? Anyone… #HumanMindNOTPartyMind   #FalsePropaganda  #BiggerPicture  

HEADLINES: No more #HistoricalAmnesia   #WontGetFooledAgain  

The US Public Policy Council of the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), representing ACM, came out against CISPA, the cybersecurity legislation recently passed by the US House. ACM is the world's largest organization for computer professionals. They are joining a diverse group of individuals and organizations opposing this bill, including a wide array of digital civil liberties organizations like EFF, computer scientists like Bruce Schneier and Tim Berners-Lee, and companies like the Mozilla Foundation.

World's Largest Organization for Computer Professionals Comes Out Against CISPA
Read more: http://ow.ly/bzcBf  

Hypocritically, the US government complained about the Chinese government’s cyberattack of their citizens dating back to 1999 after the UN’s NATO bombed the Chinese Embassy.

Just last week, the Obama administration admitted to teaming up with Israel to create Stuxnet which attempts to extend “full spectrum dominance” in the Internet. While continuing the cyberattacks begun with former President Bush. The same virus was called Olympic Games back then.

Flame Steals Data Even When Computers Are Not Connected to the Internet Read more: http://ow.ly/bzdwd  

If you've been following the so-called "shadow war" the U.S. and Israel have been waging against Iran (you didn't know about that?) then you are aware of a malicious code called Stuxnet, a computer worm reportedly developed jointly by Tel Aviv and Washington and dissected in 2009 and 2010, that created havoc among the computer systems managing Iran's nuclear facilities.

Flame virus, most sophisticated malicious code ever seen, was developed by U.S. government
Read more: http://ow.ly/bzdyd  

3rd World Peeps of A 3 cents “Where TRUTH Matters because WE are all Human Beings.”

Scrutinize the candidates BEFORE/AFTER Election. Why? It’s because WE are a Human Being! IT’S PAYBACK TIME!!! DO NOT be a #HumanRoBOT  

UPDATES: Please remember that out of 535 elected officials in Congress, there’s only MAYBE ONE or TWO that’s been serving for the best interest of the majority of the people!!!  And it seems that pretty soon it would all be 535 elected official needed to be VOTED OUT!!! How PITIFUL is that? IT’S PAYBACK TIME!!! 

That is… up to us, WE THE PEOPLE! #UnchainedUs    

If WE really want the REAL CHANGE besides electing the PRESIDENT that’s OF/FOR/BY the People! #YouAreTheRevolution