OK, 3rd World America. Headlines: Genius female chimpanzee found to be smarter than U.S. high school students

Vaccines have been based on medical fraud for over a hundred years!!! 

Both USA schools had well over 90% vaccinated against measles. The vaccinators claim a 90% vaccination rate among any specific population guarantees herd immunity for that population. This bogus claim serves to create more revenue while blaming non-vaccinators for endangering humanity.
Meanwhile, despite the fact that only five percent of vaccine adverse events get reported to the "voluntary" FDA's vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS), there are many serious adverse events recorded and many more that seep through the cracks to vaccine concerned internet sites.

Thank goodness for the few MDs and others who dare speak out despite the danger it potentially puts them in. It's up to us to learn from them and just say no to vaccinations.

Learn more:
Genius female chimpanzee found to be smarter than U.S. high school students 

The real hilarity in this story, however, is the subhead text in the Discovery.com article which reads, "Zoo Chimp Makes Elaborate Plots to Attack Humans" while adjacent to this column, the site runs an ad for a mind-altering drug that accomplishes the same thing!

Learn more:
 Labeling Kids!!! 

Subscribe/Bookmark/Favorite/Share the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International Website  

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and visit CCHR's psychiatric drug side effects database containing all international drug warnings, studies and adverse reaction reports filed with the US FDA from 2004-2011 

With 49 Million Americans on Psychiatric Drugs — Renowned Psychiatrist Issues Call for Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal

Peter Breggin, a leading crusader against the abusive prescription of psychiatric drugs who has been called “the conscience of psychiatry,” presents a pioneering, person-centered approach to psychiatric drug withdrawal in his new book. Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal: A Guide for Prescribers, Therapists, Patients and their Families, published by Springer Publishing Company, is also the first book to establish guidelines and assist the prescriber and therapist in withdrawing their patients from psychiatric drugs.

With increasing evidence that long-term use of psychiatric drugs damages the brain and complicates withdrawal, and with the number of people on psychiatric medication higher than ever, this work comes out at a critical time. The book also anticipates controversial DSM-5 proposals which some say would medicalize normality.

Learn more:
“Once again the armies of psychiatry are on the move, marching like imperial legions into unconquered territories of the human spirit”

Feeding the illness industry machine thanks to DSM5 

Soaring Numbers of Children on Powerful Adult Psychiatric Drugs
3rd World Peeps of A 3 cents:
“You Can Lead a Human to Knowledge. But you can't make it Think”

Well, it’s your Life and you children’s life anyway… 
#TPD   DO NOT be a #HumanRoBOT    

Tomorrow is the End of Today!

Peace, Truth & Freedom

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