Headlines: Invitation from Jeffrey Smith

I strongly encourage you all to spend this Saturday with me, in person in LA or online via live stream, for the most important GMO conference of the year (and one of the best ever). When I was part of a similar Seeds of Doubt Conference in Colorado in June, it was definitely a high point in my 16 years of campaigning on GMOs. The audience was blown away.

If you live near Los Angeles, or can fly in for the day, you will be happy you did.

This event on October 6, from 9 am -1 pm Pacific time (LAX Hilton) will feature Dr. G.E. Seralini, lead author of the famous French rat study that was just released. See the amazing video here!, GMO, Global Alert . Up to 80% of the female rats got massive tumors of the mammary glands, the death rate was 200-300% compared to the controls, and there was extensive damage to organs.

Dr. Michael Antoniou will be there from London. He co-authored the amazing compilation of research GMO Myths and Truths, as well as numerous other publications. He’s a world class genetic engineer working on human gene therapy techniques, but has spoken out against the use of this technology for use in food. He’s brilliant.

Dr. Don Huber will speak on the devastating impacts of Roundup, including the new mysterious pathogen that appears to be contributing to an epidemic of infertility and miscarriages among US livestock. Hearing Don’s full presentation is enlightening.

I’ll also be on hand to discuss other aspects of GMOs, including the outrageous practices used by Monsanto and others to distort and deny the now overwhelming evidence.

For registration information, go to http://www.seedsofdoubtconference.com/details-october-6-2012/


Jeffrey Smith

Nobody owns your MIND but YOU!

As always, Openness then Reservation Always! Be Inquisitive Always!

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Peace, Truth & Freedom #TPD

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