OK, 3rd World America. Headlines: Listen to our fellow brother explanations of "OUR" 2nd Amendment Rights!

We won for the time being... They won't stop until FULL disarmament occurs!

False Flag Activated 

#TPD   #EndTheFed   #August2013   

#2ndAmendmentRights   #TotalCONTROL  

#Agenda21   #TPP   #HAARP  

#FreeYourMind  OR #BADASS  

Mirrored from YouTube user: http://www.youtube.com/user/francispennysac

This is a fantastic example of what happens when you arm yourself not only with a firearm but with knowledge. With knowledge you can effectively defend yourself against the police state.


Source: Apparently bad leadership trickles down the chain of command...


Peace, Truth & Freedom #ResistanceDuty  

Police: "When the President Follows the Constitution, I will" 

(Illegal Stop Over Open Carry) 

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