OK, 3rd World America. Headlines: Meet Kleptula 

BREAKING NEWS: A new species of monkey has been discovered.

Known by locals in remote parts of Keynesia as kleptula, the monkey apparently drinks ink, eats savings accounts and shits greenbacks.

Link here 

Human Nature: Person hasn’t been affected by the STATUS QUO would always IGNORE the TRUTH other than REAL Humanitarian and Patriotic Ones!

Eventually, when this sh*t happens (just a matter of time), you are NOT blind, deaf or invincible anymore! 
#FinancialArmageddon #WW3

Money Printing Madness

America isn't broke. Neither is Europe or Japan. Instead of using their resources responsibly, it going to their top 1%. At the same time, greater force-fed austerity is coming. America named it. It's called the "fiscal cliff."

It's cover for making rich elites richer and poorer ones deeper in the hole.

Coordinated central bank money madness is part of the dirty scheme. 

As a result, free money goes to banks and other financial interests. Social benefits and disposable income cuts are mandated for everyone else.
Rasmus calls it "QEs for them." "Austerity for the rest of us." Economic slowdown and recession are assured. It's baked in the cake. Policy makers mandate it. 

Bipartisan complicity pledged high times for rich folks. Everyone else is on their own out of luck. Elections change nothing. They haven't for decades. They do little more than reshuffle deck chairs. 

Institutionalized exploitation and indifference are baked in the cake. Bad as things are expect worse. Nothing as far as the eye can see suggests otherwise. 

Ordinary people are on their own sink or swim. Fighting back is their only chance for change. It won't come any other way.

Learn more:
Infinite quantitative easing (QE3) now initiated; the final chapter of America's financial blowout has begun!

This is it, folks: the final chapter of America's great financial blowout has begun.

The Federal Reserve's decision to announce "infinite" quantitative easing has now put us all on the path of infinite money creation. With up to $85 billion in monthly money creation -- including $40 billion a month in purchases of mortgage-backed securities -- the Fed is now wholly committed to the creation of new fake money to cover old fake debts. Mathematically, this financial death spiral can only end in sheer catastrophe.

Quantitative easing, you see, is essentially the Federal Reserve creating money and then handing it to the richest banks. Meanwhile, all that new money floating around erodes the value of the dollars in the hands of the working taxpayers. So their grocery bills go up. Their fuel costs go up. Their daycare costs increase and their utility bills creep ever skyward.

But the rich banksters are simultaneously rolling in FREE Fed cash, and instead of actually lending this money out and doing something useful with it, they crank up their own executive bonuses to make sure they get paid while the rest of the economy crumbles. And why? It's simple: Because people are crooks, and if they get handed $40 billion a month in free money, they're just going to grin and say, "How can we get MORE?"

Because remember, the value of the currency you hold can be stolen from you even if the physical paper money is not. This swindle has been repeated countless times throughout human history, always by corrupt central bankers and government conspirators. Time after time, the People get scammed, and time after time, most of them can't even figure out who stole the money. That's the evil genius of the entire plan: Currency creation is invisible theft. With every new dollar they create, they effectively steal one dollar's worth of purchasing power from those who hold the currency.

In essence, then, the Federal Reserve has announce its plan to steal $85 billion a month from those who hold U.S. dollars... with no limit to the number of months this theft will continue.

We are staring into the eyes of the beast here, looking at the greatest financial swindle ever pulled off in the history of the world. This is the banker end game. When this chapter is complete, the people will be left with nothing while the banks own everything. It's all about MORE! ...remember? 

Learn more: 
As always, Openness then Reservation Always! Be Inquisitive Always!

Which ones will occur first? HUGE Thunder False Flag, Martial Law, Financial Armageddon or Nuclear Armageddon?

3rd World Peeps of A 3 cents “Where TRUTH Matters because WE are all Human Beings.” 
#OneWorldTyranny         #TPP         #TPD             

Boycott the Presidential Election! Then VOTE the Self-Interest Politicians OUT in Congress! 

UPDATES: Please remember that out of 535 elected officials in Congress, there's only ONE or TWO MAYBE that's been serving for the best interest of the majority of the people! And pretty soon it seems that it would all be 535 self-interests politicians needed to be VOTED OUT!

#Puppeteers  and the GREAT #Puppets             

Election 2012 UPDATES: Please remember that Congress had been bought, for decades balance of power had been gone. ONE power takes over. We’ve been duped that our votes count but in reality it’s NOT. The game is rigged. It’s been fixed and the outcome of the elections had been setup before you even vote.

Days of our Lives that the move/agenda had been carefully orchestrated a little flavour here and there (while you were sleeping) completes the agenda. They can just pass the NDAA and H.R. 347 a.k.a. “anti-protest law” altogether in one month. There’s gotta be a break somewhere, right! 

Where do we start?

Why don’t we start from Patriot Act then NDAA, H.R. 347 a.k.a. “anti-protest law”, protector of GMO’s to name a few and soon the Internet Freedom will be gone. The REAL News need to be cut off, it’s waking up the masses. 

How PITIFUL is that? 

The ONLY thing that we could do is to boycott the election. By doing so, the so called “FAIR” election will become void. 

That is… up to us, WE THE PEOPLE! 

If WE really want the REAL CHANGE…! 

Tomorrow is the End of Today! 

Peace, Truth & Freedom 

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