IMO, I don’t think so… but then again, the question now is, if Ron Paul will follow what his son, Rand Paul did, and that is to ENDORSE the Twin Brother of Obama, Romney. 

Is it Good News and/or Bad News?

Here’s my take, if Ron Paul will concede and ENDORSE Romney (Twin Brother of Obama) then it’s a SOLID proof that after all these years we’ve been duped that RP is NOT OF/FOR/BY the people. It’s is just another POLITICAL Dirty Show.
#BadNews   #TwinPartyDictatorship  

However, because RP had been exposing the Federal Reserve, U.N., NATO, Both party are the same one, etc. By doing so, he just awakened a lot of people specially the young ones. That we need and it is OUR duty to protect the Constitution and the Civil Liberties for Americans and the future generation to come. With that being said, a lot of people have realized and seen the REALITY that’s been going on in our beloved country. #GoodNews

This is a never before seen interview of Rand Paul in 2010 on the campaign trail right before becoming U.S Senator. It's pretty amazing seeing Rand Paul make such statements against the Bilderberg Group and Goldman Sachs but yet still endorse a Goldman Sachs flip flopping Bilderberg puppet. 

Rand Paul before endorsing Romney on Bilderberg and Goldman Sachs


We The People need to hear a word from Ron Paul concerning this issue. 

Can the father ditch his son? That is remains to be seen…

Or go with American Freedom Fighters people. To Save The Country and the World from the EVIL ONES! “There’s one for the books”

If Ron Paul concedes on his presidential campaign, we have to take it to the next level. We The People SHOULD definitely continue the gung ho to see the REAL CHANGE that we want to happen in U.S. of A. We have to research and analyze OUR presidential candidate of choice that’s OF/FOR/BY the People. 

One thing for sure, Rand Paul just exposed his TRUE FACE. That is, to protect the EVIL elites and forget the poor people in our Country. In short, Rand Paul is one of the strings attached to the Puppeteers. 

Puppeteers and Puppets needs to cease the AWAKENING of American People and the World! So, what’s the EVIL strategy, pulled the string that belongs to Rand Paul and says, you need to speak up NOW. This opinion is whether Ron Paul will continue his bid for presidential slot or NOT. 

We hope that Ron Paul is the man that we can REALLY have on our side. No matter what… #ATruePatriot  

It is imperative to STAY VIGILANT at all times. #HumanMindNOTPartyMind  

3rd World Peeps of A 3 cents “Where TRUTH Matters because WE are all Human Beings.”

Scrutinize the candidates BEFORE/AFTER Election. Why? It’s because WE are a Human Being! IT’S PAYBACK TIME!!!

Please remember that out of 535 elected officials in Congress, there’s only a HANDFUL or LESS that’s been serving for the best interest of the majority of the people!!! How PITIFUL is that? IT’S PAYBACK TIME!!! 

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